Button wording must be meaningful, not fanciful


The Minute UX™ series: one-minute reads about website problems I’ve discovered in numerous UX audits. Choosing the right words for website or app buttons is crucial. (I’ll save button visual design for another blog.) Vague or fanciful button text is remarkably … Read more

Web accessibility matters: How to do it (& how NOT to)

Blind person with phone

Accessibility means making things usable for people with disabilities. Beyond the physical world, it applies to digital products like websites, apps, smart TVs, computer user interfaces — anything with a screen that humans interact with should be accessible to people … Read more

A prototype is worth a thousand meetings


I’m often in meetings where people are planning a change to a particular feature or making an enhancement to a website or app. Naturally there are sometimes differences of opinion about the best approach to take. That’s good because exploring … Read more

How to find known unknowns and unknown unknowns


In the infamous words of Donald Rumsfeld, there are known unknowns and unknown unknowns. When it comes to website or app design, testing with representative users (a.k.a. usability testing) can uncover both. Having conducted many, many user testing sessions over the past 10+ years I can … Read more

Three Keys for Success in Business (and in Life)


Over the years I’ve learned a bit about business—what to do, what not to do. Honestly, the most important things are the ones we all learned in kindergarten (to paraphrase the title of Robert Fulghum’s well-known book)…things like tell the truth, … Read more