Project Roadmapping
Persona Development

Heuristic Audits
Analytics Reviews


Information Architecture
User Flows
Interactive Wireframes
User Testing


User Interface Design
Hi-fidelity Prototypes
Content Creation
User Testing

Dev &

Developer Requirements
Dev Management
QA Testing and UAT
User Training

UX and Web Design Services

I offer a full range of user experience design, website and app design/development, and related consulting services to support agencies, developers and businesses large and small. I’ll handle projects from beginning to end or assist with specific services.

UX Strategy

Outstanding user experiences lie at the intersection of user needs, business objectives, appealing and intuitive design, relevant content, and appropriate technology. New and existing websites, apps and other digital communications always benefit from UX design best practices. I can recommend how to apply those practices to make users happy and improve business outcomes.

UX Audits

Most websites and apps can benefit from a UX audit to uncover factors that may be frustrating users and hurting business results. While testing with users is always best, I can provide a UX audit (a.k.a. heuristic analysis) as a more affordable and faster alternative to formal user testing. Read more.

Usability Testing

As soon as you create something you can’t see it like others do. That’s a fundamental principle of user experience design: never assume you know what users think. Fortunately there’s a simple way to know: ask them. I gather user perspectives with moderated or unmoderated testing of wireframes, high-fidelity prototypes, or live sites. It’s a good practice to test existing sites or apps on a regular basis for continuous improvement.

Information Architecture

Organizing things and naming them (taxonomy) can be tricky. I bring outside perspective informed by experience with how users typically act and think. I also employ user testing methods like card sorting or wireframe testing to assess the best IA approach.

Wireframes and Prototypes

Don’t risk building the real thing before you test drive a model. Prototyping before coding saves time and costly revisions — and prevents brand damage. Using rapid prototyping tools I create interactive wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes that can be tested, then quickly modified and retested as needed to ensure success before production.

User Interface Design

Great design is as functional as it is beautiful. Delighting users with a well-deigned, intuitive UI is one key to success. As an experienced graphic designer, well-versed in UX and interaction design, I can make sure the UI delivers for users and meets business goals.


UX is nothing without great content. It’s critical to provide users with content that meets their needs: content that’s useful, beautiful or entertaining as well as accurate and up-to-date. Check out UX West content services.


Need an entirely new website or want to revamp a current site? Is your website driving business results you want — or is it driving people away from your business? Is it optimized for mobile? Is it confusing and hard to navigate? Is the content out of date? I can help you create a new website from scratch or update an existing site to make it more effective and appealing.


Let’s connect and discuss your needs. I’m happy to provide a free, no obligation estimate.