Many web designers don’t believe these three things


I’ve done quite a bit of website usability testing with “ordinary” website users. By design, testing is done with people who are representative of a client’s audience and not the people who design the sites. Of course, that’s the point. The value … Read more

Three UX mistakes I see over, and over, and over

Man looking at mobile phone

In real estate, it’s location, location, location. In UX, the location is mobile, mobile, mobile. Mobile devices account for over half of all visits to most websites. Chances are you are reading this post on your phone. Various sources now put web … Read more

How to find known unknowns and unknown unknowns


In the infamous words of Donald Rumsfeld, there are known unknowns and unknown unknowns. When it comes to website or app design, testing with representative users (a.k.a. usability testing) can uncover both. Having conducted many, many user testing sessions over the past 10+ years I can … Read more

Three Keys for Success in Business (and in Life)


Over the years I’ve learned a bit about business—what to do, what not to do. Honestly, the most important things are the ones we all learned in kindergarten (to paraphrase the title of Robert Fulghum’s well-known book)…things like tell the truth, … Read more

Twenty-two tools for 2022: Handy, helpful resources


We all have our go-to tools. Websites, platforms and applications we use to solve problems, perform tasks, acquire assets, streamline workflow and generally make our jobs easier. When I come across a helpful new tool, I’m always grateful. I thought … Read more

A little green button that schools us on good UX

push to exit button

If you’ve attended one of my UX lunch & learn sessions, this post will sound familiar. I’ve been telling this story for years, but it’s so good I never get tired of retelling it. That’s because it illustrates so perfectly the … Read more

Improve UX by fixing these common typographic issues

old-fashioned metal type font

We spend a lot of time on our screens. Because of that, making text as readable as possible is extremely important for optimal user experience. This article gives easy-to-implement fixes for five common typographic problems seen on many websites: Line … Read more

The four-legged stool and why ux experts are critical

three legged stool

While I believe it’s important for everyone in an agency or corporate marketing/communications department to understand user experience fundamentals, there’s a critical place for UX specialists in the equation. Just like in the medical profession, it’s important for primary care … Read more

The Twelve Dictums of User Experience (UX) Design

Once upon a time, while strolling through the Japanese Gardens in Portland, Oregon, I made an incredible discovery. And all of a sudden around a bend in the path I discovered a stone tablet containing the lost “Twelve Dictums of … Read more

Try a Google Survey to Resolve Taxonomy Questions

In UX, using the right words to label things means the difference between success and failure. The wrong label can create user frustration that can hurt a business. Words matter — and sometimes the simplest words are the hardest. Recently, … Read more

Without prototyping, agile Is Much Less efficient

I’ve been involved in an agile development process for a new web application for the past several months. The agile process has been “by the book.” A scrum master conducts weekly sprints to review the tasks accomplished, get feedback and … Read more

Keep it stupid simple (SIC)

So the other day in a meeting, a client said he wanted things to be simple. That’s music to my UX ears of course, because simple is almost always best. When the client said this, he used the well-known euphemism … Read more

Ten of my favorite UX quotes

I hope you enjoy this short collection of user experience design quotations. These words of wisdom from sages and experts say more in a few words than I can say in a 500-word post! “Design is not just what it … Read more

To succeed, don’t overpromise and underdeliver

A few years from now, how many of us will remember Mike Bloomberg’s run for the Democratic presidential nomination? I’m guessing it’s something Mike would like us to forget. But like all failures, we can use Mike’s story to learn … Read more

Checklist for creating a great website

If you’re building a website from scratch – or revamping an existing site – where do you begin? This post will help with the many questions that will need to be answered to create a great website. I believe the … Read more

Let’s all get past the “4D” web dev process

When we first started building websites, we used what we called the “4D web design process.” I’ve seen 4D expressed a couple different ways as either Discovery, Definition, Design, Development; or, Discovery, Design, Development, Deployment. Amazingly, despite my chagrin, the … Read more